Friday, April 19, 2013

Baby Research

Jonatan Lona
Common Childhood injuries
There are a lot of injuries your baby could face in the first months of your baby’s life. The most
 Common injuries your baby could face are burns, poisoning, choking, and head injuries.  Some of the other injuries that may happen are because you are holding your baby wrong. Most of the common injuries happen when your baby begin it first steps.

Some of the most common injures happen because of burns poisoning and choking and head injuries. Be sure to watch your baby at all time and make sure everything is secure. Some of the most common burns happen from sunburns, electrical burns and stove burns and lamp burns. Some of the most common poisonings your babe could face come from digesting medicines, shampoo, after shave, perfume, vitamins, and cleaning products. Head injuries your baby could face are falls from falling of a high chair, bed, furniture, stairs, and slippery floors or play equipment. These are just some of the injuries your babe could face other injuries your babe could face are drowning strangulation, nose injuries, contusions, and eye injuries.

Holding your babe is a big thing because you may think it doesn’t do much when really it does. You could just be playing with your baby and could be holding him wrong. One of the most common baby injuries is pulled elbow. It is caused by picking up your child by one arm or jerking his arm forcefully or swinging him around. You have to be very careful when holding your baby their bones are still very fragile.  

Most of the common injuries happen when your baby begins taking their first steps. They’re starting to explore the world and sometimes grab things that their not spouse to. Or they take a bad fall when walking. Some falls can be very serious for some babies or they can be minor but it’s just an inconvenience of heir play time Just try to overreact. A baby can sense when a mom or dad is scared rushing to their aid every time they fall can cause your baby to become overly cautious or make them quick to cry when they get hurt or not. If you baby sobs and whimpers after a minor tumble calmly comfort him and encourage him to get back up.  

 These are just some the most common baby injuries you should watch out for. There are many more injuries you should watch out for like drowning and nose injuries strangulation poisoning contusions. You should make sure everything is that can be toxic to babes like bleach or medicines should be securely sealed. You should always keep an eye on your baby never leave him unattended.  

Child hood report website

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